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ACLAR® Fluoropolymer-Film, 210x297mm (DIN A4), 51µm dick (2mil), 10 Stück


ACLAR® UltRx ist ein PCTFE Homopolymer-Film. Er bietet eine sehr hohe Feuchtigkeitsbarriere, hohe chemische und Form-Beständigkeit. Er ist kristallklar, biochemisch inert und frei von Weichmachern und Stabilisatoren. Der Film bietet daher eine gute Basis für Zellwachstum. Er wird erfolgreich für Hochdruckgefrieren (HPF) und als flexible Barriere bei der Einbettung verwendet.
80,00 € 95,20 €



ACLAR® is made from fluorinated-chlorinated resins. There are four basic film types–the homopolymer ACLAR® Rx Series, the new ACLAR® UltRx and the discontinued copolymers ACLAR® 22A and 33C (Honeywell). The chemical make-up of all ACLAR® products provide an exceptional moisture barrier. ACLAR® is crystal clear, biochemically inert, highly resistant to most chemicals and sterilizable by heat or radiation. ACLAR® is used widely in pharmaceutical, medical, sensitive electronics and military packaging.

ACLAR® UltRx is a PCTFE homopolymer film. It offers an outstanding moisture barrier, excellent chemical resistance and small dimensional change (<6%). It is crystal clear, biochemically inert, plasticizer and stabilizer free. It is successfully used to grow cells, perform high-pressure-freezing (HPF) and for embedding.


  • Crystal clear, high UV transparency– ideal for use in UV curing of embedding resin in microscopy.
  • Chemically stable and biochemical\y inert– the product of choice for growing cell cultures.
  • Low dielectric constant, high electric strength and dissipation factor– offers excellent cell attachment even through lengthy processing procedures.
  • Low surface energy–and separates easily from epoxy.
  • Exhibits no detectable autofluorescence– ideal for fluorescent microscopy.
  • A non-flammable, non-aging co-polymer–
    which is suited for sterilization by heat or UV.
  • Crystalline melting point is 211°C (403°F)– stable in the SEM.
  • Flexible and soft– can be sectioned without damage to the ultramicrotome knives.

ACLAR® film is now available in 2 mil (51µm) thickness and it is offered in DIN A4 (210x297mm) sheet form with package quantities of 10 or 25.


ACLAR® Physical Data Sheet

(These are typical values for 2.00mil PCTFE homopolymer and are not to be interpreted as product specifications):

Properties@ 73°F ~50% RH English Metric Test Method
Gravity Specific 2.11 ASTM D1505
6,567 in2/lb. 9.34m2/kg  
Haze <1% ASTM D1003
Crystalline Melting Point 412°F 211°C ASTM D4591
Dimensional Stability, 10 min @ 300°F
ASTM D1204
Water Vapor Transmission
Rate @ 100°F (37.8°C)/ 100% RH
0.0077 gm/100 in2/day 0.119 g/m2/day ASTM F1249
Flammability Nonflammable  
Surface Tension
>42 dynes/cm
ASTD D2683


ACLAR® Chemical Resistance (typical)

Chemicals Average Weight Increase Visible Effect on Sample
Acetone 0.5% None
Butyl Alcohol - None
Carbon Tetrachloride 1.6% Slightly flexible
1,2-Dichloroethane 0.03% None
Ethyl Acetate 6.0% Very flexible
Ethyl Alcohol None None
Ethyl Ether 5.2% Very flexible
Ethylene Oxide 4.0% Very flexible
Formic Acid None None
Gasoline None None
All Acids (HCl, H2SO4..) None None
Methanol None None
Propylene Oxide - None
Toluene 1.1 Slightly flexible
Osmium Tetroxide None None
Plastisolve - None

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Abmessung 210x297mm (DIN A4)
Verpackungseinheit 10 Stück