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EVE™ Plus Automatisches Zellzählgerät


EVE™ PLUS ist die 2. Generation von EVE™, eines bildbasierten, automatischen Zellzählgeräts. Der EVE™ PLUS ist ein Benchtop-Gerät, das Zellzahl- und Vitalitätsmessungen mittels Trypanblau-Färbung durchführt. Es ist in Genauigkeit und Präzision vergleichbar mit der Zellkernzählung mittels PI (Propidiumiodid) Färbung. EVE™ Plus identifiziert nun auch Zellagglomerate für eine genauere Analyse.

  • Zellzählung in weniger als 1 Sekunde (derzeit schnellster automatischer Zellzähler)
  • NEU: Autofokus (inkl. Zellzählung in weniger als 10s)
  • Intuitive Bedienung
  • Höhere Messgenauigkeit durch verbesserte Hardware und Zählalgorithmus
3.850,00 € 4.581,50 €



Measuring from the EVETM Plus extends further to higher concentration ranges than hemocytometer readings.


Image 1:
(left) Measuring from the EVETM Plus extends further to higher concentration ranges than hemocytometer readings.

(right) EVETM Plus easures the number and the concentration of total cells, viable cells, dead cells. It provides viability results and cell size gating.


Clumped cells were counted with EVE™ Plus, ADAM-MC2 (the nucleus cell counter), and other manufacturers’ automated cell counter (A, B, and C).



Image 2:
Clumped cells were counted with EVE™ Plus, ADAM-MC2 (the nucleus cell counter), and other manufacturers’ automated cell counter (A, B, and C).



ADAM-MC is accurate in counting clumped cells by counting the stained nuclei through the PI (Propidium Iodide) staining method. EVE™ Plus is comparable to the nucleus counting for all cell lines with accuracy and precision.

The other automated cell counters A, B, and C show inaccurate numbers with clumped cells. EVE™ Plus identifies and counts the individual cells within the clumpy cells for accurate analysis.


To obtain the best results, follow these recommendations:


  1. Wear Protective gloves during sample handling.
  2. Do not touch the optical surfaces of the EVE™ Cell counting slides. Hold the cell counting slides by the edges.
  3. Use the EVE™ PLUS at room temperature only (5 - 40 °C).
  4. For accurate viability count results, ensure the counting area is covered with cell suspension and count cells within 3 minutes
  5. of mixing the cells with trypan blue solution as trypan blue is toxic to cells.
  6. For best data with biological samples, we recommend counting at least two samples and taking an average.
  7. The calibration completed EVETM PLUS will be supplied. If necessary, recalibrate your instrument.
  8. The EVE™ PLUS storage holds up to 500 data. If need a test report, save the data to the USB drive whenever you want. You
  9. may transfer the data to your PC, using the USB drive as described in transferring data to a PC.
  10. After using EVE™ PLUS, appropriately dispose slides as biohazardous waste.
  11. Do not reuse the cell counting slides.



Cell line validated on EVETM Plus


Cell type Animal Organ Growth Properties
HeLa Human Skin Adherent
NIH-3T3 Mouse Embryo Adherent
U-2 OS Human Bone Adherent
Jurkat Human Blood Suspension
KG-1 Human Blood Suspension
HEPG2 Human Liver Adherent
HEP3B Human Liver Adherent
LNCaP Human Prostate Adherent
SH-S5Y Human Brain Adherent
SCN2.2 Rat Brain Adherent
F9 Mouse Embryo Adherent
MCF7 Human Breast Adherent
A549 Human Lung Adherent
GH3 Rat Pituitary Adherent


Cell Concentration Range: 1x10^5 - 4x10^6 cells/ml (optimum)

Weitere Informationen

Weitere Informationen
Zellgrößenbereich 5 - 60µm
Abmessung 27(L) x 20(B) x 9(H)cm
Elektrischer Anschluss 240V, 50-60Hz
Verpackungseinheit 1 EVE Cell Counter, 50 Slides, 1ml Trypanblau, 2GB USB Speicher mit PC Software und digitaler Gebrauchsanweisung (en), gedruckte Gebrauchsanweisung (en), Analysezertifikat
Gewicht 0.000000