Halter für Mikrotom-Arbeitsgeräte
Made from hard plastic (Delrin) with a beautifully machined finish to handle many of your instruments that need to be at your fingertips during sectioning. This EMS Ultra-microtome Aid is a safe place to rest your diamond knife, diamond trimming tool, tweezers, hair curl or eye lash, diamond knife cleaning rods, perfect-loop for picking up sections. Note: This unit is not a safe device to store your sectioning knives, such as diamond or glass knives, after you’re done the sectioning.
697,20 €
829,67 €
Weitere Informationen
Typ |
Verpackungseinheit | 1 Stück |
Wird oft gemeinsam gekauft
Deckgläser, Bellco, 0,17-0,25mm dick, Durchmesser: 15mm, 10x 28g
1.100,70 €
1.309,83 €
ONCYTE® Objektträger, Typ AVID™, 2 NC-Felder (25x32mm)
1.000,10 €
1.190,12 €
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